Migrating Wombs & Aching Backs Receive Support from Maya Healing Wisdom Applied to Modern Times

“The uterus is a woman’s center. If her uterus is not in proper position and good health, nothing in her life will be right. She will be as out of balance as her uterus.” Favored saying of Don Elijio Panti, Maya Shaman.

It is such an honor to be continuing this tradition of healing work, and to learn this wisdom directly from Rosita Arvigo. Rosita has combined what she learned from years mentoring with Don Elijio Panti (Maya Shaman) and Miss Hortence Robinson (traditional midwife) with her background as a Naprapath. The results culminate into a body of work that takes an holistic approach addressing core imbalances and how these impact overall wellness (physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual…).

Last month, I made the trek to an autumnal New Hampshire where I spent a week with Rosita delving into advanced techniques in working with wombs, and refining work that additionally supports back aches of all sorts. At the end of the week, all of us there had been profoundly affected by the work. Significant shifts in sacral mobility allowing for renewed ease in motility were achieved, emotional releases and healing were abundant, and there was a self-empowered confidence stirred up that arose from deeply connecting with our core.

As the week ended, we set intentions on how we will continue this work and bring it out in the world. Below are my intentions, as well as, some pictures from the week. ❤



*To support women in connecting with their core and the strength, power and beauty that resides there at their core.

*To work as a catalyst freeing the energy that has manifested in disharmonies with in my clients’ bodies– so this energy is free to course and flow as the vital rivers of life and nourishment it is.

*My wish is that the benefits of my work ripple positively from me, to my client, to their loved ones, and beyond.

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Envelop Yourself in Love with Daily Oil Massage

Love your body; love your life. Support this love with a daily practice that is as much an exercise in cultivating compassion, as it is of nurturing physical and physiological wellness. By lightly oiling your body for a mere 5 to a luxurious 15 minutes, you can revitalize your nervous system and dispel stress. Perfect to do right before getting in the shower.

The Practice
Massaging oil on your body can be done as a quick covering starting at your head and working your way down to your toes, or it can be done as a mindful meditation, massaging oil on the individual parts of your body and appreciating how each part serves you as a whole. A thin coating of oil is all it takes. Use long strokes on your limbs and circular strokes on your joints. Hint: Warming the oil adds to the delight. Heat the oil by immersing the bottle in a bowl of warmed water, enjoy.

Skin that is dry is vulnerable to outside elements and irritation. This burden of irritation strains the nervous system and adds to an overall sense of distress. Fortunately, these body oiling practices are beneficial to your skin, keeping it supple and maintaining its integrity as a source of protection. With longer practices, you will likely also experience a deepened sense of self-compassion and mindfulness.

By tending to your body in this way with oil and massage, you acknowledge and reinforce the boundary of what is yours and what is not yours. This is the ideal opportunity to choose what best supports and nourishes you.

Be selective in what you let in. Olive, sesame and coconut oil are all good oil options. Sesame is warming and especially nice during the cool winter months. Coconut oil is a good ally for those with heat conditions, like eczema, showing up in their skin. Keep in mind that what you put on your skin is assimilated and becomes a part of you, if only temporarily.

Think of this daily dose of self-care as a blessing of compassion, wellness, and protection. In Sanskrit the word sneha means both “oil” and “love”. As you massage the oil on your body, consider the significance of this action and the effects of enveloping yourself in love.

Lila Ann Frechette works as an ally to women’s wellness. Providing hands-on healing, compassionate support, and effective self-care suggestions. It is her desire to assist you to find ease in your body, move thru challenges supported, and ultimately open up to your full potential. Lila Ann is a massage therapist, a Maya abdominal therapies practitioner and a holistic lifestyle consultant.  lunabeebody.com

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